Accelerated Reading help

As sent out in a text to all Parents on text a parent please note the following

With school not reopening next week, boys can continue with accelerated reading by using the above address and then putting in their username and password into the section I am a student, which they should know from school. This will help them with their literacy skills. Many people are coming up with all kinds of ideas on what to do at this time but as always we will be guided by the Dept of Ed.

Further information on how to find out what books they read etc can be found on

We will get through this and children will regain any ground lost. Parent’s are under enough pressure at home with children without more being heaped on them from schools. We will support you and your children in whatever way we can with hopefully guidance from the Dept of Education. There are many useful websites noted on this website in the general section and in the news for parents section. The most important thing is for everyone to keep practising their social distancing and stay safe.

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